Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Every journey begins with a single step...


So if you don't know me I am Allie I am in my early twenties and for the next year (well 9 months) I am going to be doing the discipleship year. I just thought well that instead of a prayer letter  or update thing that I always fail to keep up. I would do this blog because well blogs are cool and I know there are going to be some amazing things going to happen this year and it seems selfish not to share part of this year with you guys especially my amazing friends and family.

Today was the first day and I am going to try to share with you some of the stuff that I am being challenged on and some of what God is doing here. I am not going to say where I am because in many ways it doesn't matter. I guess also if you stumble across this whilst you are praying in consideration of the discipleship year it is kind of easier not to know where I am because then you can decide for yourself.

So today was the first day  it was good I enjoyed meeting all the new people I will be sharing this experience with including the girls whom I intend to be sharing a house with. Anyway everyone was lovely and I was genuinely surprised about the mix. I think this is because like every other Christian girl I automatically assume it will be majority female and it wasn't. It was about even, some older than me mostly younger but then I am at the top end of the age bracket. They talked through the course structure and encouraged us to be encouraging and supportive of one another. This of course makes sense because discipleship is done in community its about fellowship building each other up and being accountable.

This was followed by praying through and putting together pointers for what we wanted to get out of the year, what we wanted to work on within ourselves and well what was holding us back.

We  then had bible 101 part 1 which was great talking about the interpretations of the bible. I am a historian ( I studied mostly British history) so the idea of studying the effects and impacts of interpretation was an easy leap for me because that is what history is studying how people make conclusions about the past. It challenged me because I struggle reading the bible like I would anything else I tend to just read it and feel clogged about the context and trying to discern what about it was relevant to me now and all that so I am hoping this module will help. Possibly also for spesifics my new ESV study bible which I bought with my birthday money.

 I hope I didn't talk to much I mean I probably didn't come across to the others as a total wierdo they don't know me yet I suppose. I do that when I am nervous but everyone was in the same boat so maybe they will put it down to that.

Anyway signed the tenancy agreement on our house today. Very exciting and bought my one set text (apart from clearly the bible) this term.

Brilliant first day although I am totally shattered.

Prayer requests
- Please pray that God gives me a Job. I don't want anything fancy just enough to live on.
- Please pray for all of us nationally on the discipleship year.
- Please pray for Syria- they kind of need it.

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